Welcome to the 2nd Annual Western Canadian Reason Conference, abbreviated WeCanReason (WCR) !
The WeCanReason Conference is here to fight misinformation, disinformation, polarization and scientific illiteracy. If you want to sort out what is valid, learn how to evaluate evidence, separate fiction from fact, and decipher information from media outlets this is the place to be.
We are off to an exciting start in 2024. We are proud to announce that the conference will take place at the University of Calgary Downtown Campus. It is right on the C-Train line for easy access. We have partnered with the Sandman Hotel across the street where we will have a meal and entertainment.
We now have ALL our speakers lined up for 2024, including our Keynote Speaker! We are also thrilled to announce that Roy Alexander will return as our Master of Ceremonies!
- KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Dr. Cara Santa Maria is our keynote speaker for 2024. Dr. Cara Santa Maria is a Los Angeles Area Emmy and Knight Foundation Award-winning journalist, science communicator, television personality, author, and podcaster. Dr. Santa Maria is a Clinical Psychologist with a concentration in Social Justice and Diversity. She co-hosts the Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe podcast as well as creating and hosting Talk Nerdy with Cara Santa Maria. She is a Founding Member of Nerd Brigade and co-founder of the annual SciCommCamp.
- Opening Keynote Speaker Hemant Mehta is the founder and editor of FriendlyAtheist.com, a YouTube creator, and a podcast co-host. He is a former National Board Certified math teacher in the suburbs of Chicago and continues to coach a competitive public speaking team. He has also written multiple books.
- James Fell, the “Sweary Historian” James Fell has a master’s degree in history and has written for the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Time, NPR, The Guardian, Men’s Health, and Women’s Health. The author of four books, his latest is On This Day in History Sh!t Went Down, and is available from Bantam Books.
- Kat MacLeod plays a role in shaping the future of healthcare through her mentorship of pharmacy and medical students regarding the potential pitfalls of herbal remedies. Kat’s presentations highlight the importance of critically evaluating the safety and efficacy of these products. Listen to an interview with Kat at The Skeptic Zone.
- Jonathan Jarry is a science communicator with McGill University’s Office for Science and Society (OSS), dedicated to separating sense from nonsense on the scientific stage. He has a Master’s degree in molecular biology and he brings his experience in cancer research, human genetics, rehabilitation research, and forensic biology to the work he does for the public. More about Jonathan is available here.
- Richard Saunders is best known as an international expert on skepticism, a documentary filmmaker and one of the stars of the top rating Australian paranormal TV show, “The One: The Search for Australia’s Most Gifted Psychic”. He is a life member of Australian Skeptics Inc., a Fellow of the Center for Inquiry, and entertained us at WCR 2023!
- Roy Alexander is a former pastor at Centre St Church who has a strong personal commitment to social justice. After deconverting he was a secular chaplain at MRU. He is also very funny and always sees the good and the humour in every situation. He entertained us at WCR 2023 and is still waiting for grandchildren to arrive.
- Brent Smith’s strolling magic will entertain us on Saturday! He can make potatoes and lemons appear in your glass or make a card, which you have personally signed appear in a sealed envelope that is inside a zippered wallet. Be prepared to be dazzled and amazed as Brent moves through the crowd trying to give his car away and making everyone feel welcome and at ease.
Full profiles and pictures are on our Speakers page.
Please note that all the Speakers are choosing their own topics and own their presentations. WeCanReason and Rocky Mountain Atheists do not review or edit any part of them. The views expressed are solely those of the Speaker. WeCanReason is about critical thinking; disagreements should be resolved in a constructive manner and without personal attacks. Challenge ideas not people.
If you are visiting Calgary for WCR, take a look at Visit Calgary for ideas on the many other exciting things to do in and around Calgary.
The Sandman Signature Downtown Hotel is where the Friday evening Pub Night will take place. All speakers will be at the University of Calgary Downtown Campus, which is across the street from the Sandman. The Saturday evening reception will also be at the Downtown Campus. Both the Campus and Sandman are conveniently on the C-Train line at 8th St and 7th Ave SW. See map above.
The Sandman Hotel has excellent rates for WeCanReason! Please use this link if you want to stay at the Hotel! There is nowhere more convenient to WeCanReason.
For the Friday Pub Night: Please PRE ORDER food, this will allow for the Hotel to provide your food more quickly and be prepared for our event. The Hotel has asked that pre-orders be in on or before April 24. You do NOT need to pay at this time – the Hotel will collect payment when you arrive at Pub Night. You can still order food at the Pub Night but the Hotel says it will take longer to prepare.
Email Updates: Go to “I want to be there!” to stay in touch with news on this event! More details on 2024 are coming soon, so let’s stay in touch. We’ll have more speakers to announce soon.
Silent Auction: We will be having a table of auction items at the Conference. If you would like to donate an item or more (a book, gift basket, tickets, anything!) to support RMA and WCR, then please get in touch using the “I want to be there!” form and let us know what you can donate. We will be in touch.

WeCanReason 2024 is proudly sponsored by CFI Canada. Your community for scientific, skeptical, secular, rational and humanistic inquiry.
THANK YOU to everyone who bought a 2023 ticket, who volunteered, who organized. Thank you to all our 2023 speakers that prepared so hard and informed as well as entertained us. After the inaugural event, two organizers and a participant wrote an article about the whole journey and experience. It is well worth the read! “WeCanReason: From pre-COVID to Reality“