We are thrilled to announce the Western Canadian Reason Conference, 2025!
Planning is well under way for our third conference. It will be held May 2nd to 4th 2025 at the Sandman Hotel in Downtown Calgary. Stay tuned for more details and hopefully deals! The whole conference including receptions, speakers and vendors will be at the Sandman. It is on the corner of 8th St and 7th Ave SW, on the CTrain line for easy access.
In addition to the date and venue we are elated to announce that Seth Andrews has already agreed to return for 2025. Seth is the host of The Thinking Atheist podcast and both entertained and educated us at the first conference in 2023.

Seth Andrews BIO
Seth Andrews is a former evangelical and Christian broadcaster who now hosts The Thinking Atheist…one of the most popular podcasts and online atheist communities in the world. The Thinking Atheist is not a person. It is an icon encouraging all to reject faith and pursue reason and evidence.
Seth has authored five books, including his latest offering, “Christianity Made Me Talk Like an Idiot.” He also hosts a second podcast, “True Stories with Seth Andrews.”
With a mix of humor and heart, Seth Andrews has spoken for audiences large and small in the U.S, Canada, Europe, and Australia about his former faith, the promotion of science and skepticism, the importance of Humanism in this often crazy world, and why we should all pursue a personal relationship with reality.
Tickets will be going on sale soon. If you have signed up for our newsletter previously you will be getting an announcement in your inbox soon. If not, PLEASE SIGN UP HERE and you will be the first people to know. Not sure if you signed up? Enter your details anyways. Our mailing system will not send you two.
All the videos from our 2024 Speakers can be found here. Take a look and see what you missed or remember the great speakers we had.
Join our mailing list for all the conference news as it happens
Please note that all the Speakers are choosing their own topics and own their presentations. WeCanReason and Rocky Mountain Atheists do not review or edit any part of them. The views expressed are solely those of the Speaker. WeCanReason is about critical thinking; disagreements should be resolved in a constructive manner and without personal attacks. Challenge ideas not people.