While researching a topic for our newsletter’s introduction, the topic of the Perseid Meteor Shower came up.
One of the most prominent meteor showers, the Perseid Meteor Shower peaks in mid-August. This meteor shower is associated with the comet Swift-Tuttle and is known for its high frequency of bright meteors. Now, when looking where would be the best place in Alberta to see the Perseid Meteor Shower, Jasper National Park was at the top of the list.
Jasper National Park is a designated Dark Sky Preserve, offering some of the darkest skies in the world. Sites like Pyramid Lake and Maligne Lake provide excellent vantage points and inside it is the Jasper Planetarium, a world-famous touristic location.
Unfortunately, as the wildfires increase, the Jasper National Park is closed and the area is suffering destruction. You can follow up on the park situation here.
We give our best wishes to the population of Jasper and hope for a quick resolution to this tragedy.
WeCanReason 2024 Videos

Tuesday, August 1
You can go to our YouTube channel to watch the first video released from the event, James Fell’s presentation – Holy Blowback and Ecclesiastical Unintended Consequences.
On the WeCanReason home page, you can find what the next videos will be – we will be releasing one per month – and even an option to watch all of them now.
Skeptics in the Pub

Tuesday, August 6
First Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm
Come to the pub, meet like-minded people, listen to a short but interesting presentation, and have a thought-provoking discussion, along with a drink and some food. You can register on our Meetup Page.
This month’s topic: Is Chiropractic Medicine Pseudoscience?
You can find us in the private Barrell room at the Trolley 5 Brewpub, 728 17th Ave. SW.
Book Club

Thursday, August 8
Second Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm
This month, the Book Club will be discussing the book The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure, by Jonathan Haidt and Greg Lukianoff.
Head over to our Meetup page to register and get the Zoom link.
Coffee Chat Online

Monday, August 12
Second Monday of every month at 1:00 pm
RMA Coffee Chat is an enjoyable, unstructured, afternoon conversation. Anyone can introduce an idea or ask a question and the group will jump in and discuss it. You never know where the conversation will go but it is always interesting and sometimes even educational. Join us and add your two-cent worth.
Go to our Meetup page to register and get the Zoom link.
Music Jam Night

Tuesday, August 23
As announced at 7:00 pm
Grab your harmonica and join us for jam night! Once a month we will gather to play music in a good old-fashioned jam session! Bring your own instrument or just come to sing along. It will happen at the Bottlescrew Bill’s Pub, 140 10 Ave SW · Calgary, AB
On our Meetup Page, you can register and comment about the son you want to jam.
Rafting on the Bow River

Sunday, August 18
We have reserved a 10-person raft from Lazy Day Raft Rentals. The total cost is $250, so if we get 10 people, the cost is just $25 each. If we have fewer people, we will divide the costs accordingly. I will check in with you if we have less than 10 to confirm the cost.
Check our Meetup Page to register and find out about the location and other details.
Monthly Board Meeting

Thursday, August 22
Fourth Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm
The Board of RMA doesn’t take a break. Meetings are open to all but only Board members can vote. This month we will be at the Nicholls Family Library,
1421 33 Street SW · Calgary, AB
Movie Night Online

Monday, August 26
Fourth Monday of every month at 7:00 pm
This month’s movie is yet to be determined. Do you have any suggestions?
Go to our Meetup page to register, comment, and get the Zoom link.
We hope you like the new look of the newsletter. We love feedback and are always open to suggestions to improve the communications we send you. Let us know what you think by replying to the email, commenting on the post or emailing us at communications@rockymountainatheists.ca
All our events’ details can be found on our Meetup Page at https://www.meetup.com/rockymountainatheists/events/.