WeCanReason Webinar – Chasing Perfection: How the “Healthy” Trend is Harming Us video released

Join us for an interesting look on how the health and wellness trend can be harmful. Kat will discuss why society needs to stop fixating on the term “healthy”, do some debunking, look at how pseudoscience is invading the Health and Wellness industry, as well as suggesting what we can all do to live our best lives.

WeCanReason Webinar – Chasing Perfection: How the “Healthy” Trend is Harming Us with Kat McLeod

Join us for an interesting look on how the health and wellness trend can be harmful. Kat will discuss why society needs to stop fixating on the term “healthy”, do some debunking, look at how pseudoscience is invading the Health and Wellness industry, as well as suggesting what we can all do to live our best lives.

WeCanReason Webinar – Ayahuasca, psychedelics and critical thinking video released

As the world witnesses a surge in interest in psychedelics, Ayahuasca has emerged as a cultural phenomenon, drawing thousands from around the globe to Peru in search of spiritual and therapeutic breakthroughs. Unfortunately, the field of psychedelics has been steeped in mysticism and pseudoscience for decades, complicating efforts to assess their true benefits and risks.

WeCanReason Webinar – Ayahuasca, psychedelics and critical thinking with Le Pharmachien

As the world witnesses a surge in interest in psychedelics, Ayahuasca has emerged as a cultural phenomenon, drawing thousands from around the globe to Peru in search of spiritual and therapeutic breakthroughs. Unfortunately, the field of psychedelics has been steeped in mysticism and pseudoscience for decades, complicating efforts to assess their true benefits and risks.

WeCanReason Webinar – Ayahuasca, psychedelics and critical thinking with Le Pharmachien

As the world witnesses a surge in interest in psychedelics, Ayahuasca has emerged as a cultural phenomenon, drawing thousands from around the globe to Peru in search of spiritual and therapeutic breakthroughs.

WeCanReason Webinar – Ayahuasca, psychedelics and critical thinking with Le Pharmachien

As the world witnesses a surge in interest in psychedelics, Ayahuasca has emerged as a cultural phenomenon, drawing thousands from around the globe to Peru in search of spiritual and therapeutic breakthroughs. Unfortunately, the field of psychedelics has been steeped in mysticism and pseudoscience for decades, complicating efforts to assess their true benefits and risks. This conference delves into the rise of Ayahuasca tourism and the broader psychedelic renaissance, inviting participants to explore the promises and pitfalls of these substances through a lens of skepticism, critical thinking and science-based medicine.