Another year is gone and here we are again in December, which means winter is coming once again.
Winter is more than just a season—it’s a stage for some of nature’s most fascinating phenomena. From the delicate artistry of snowflakes to the dazzling glow of the aurora borealis, winter invites us to marvel at the science behind its beauty. Snowflakes, for example, form through a mesmerizing interplay of temperature and humidity, creating intricate six-sided crystals that are as unique as fingerprints. Meanwhile, the auroras light up polar skies with brilliant displays of green, pink, and purple, caused by charged particles from the sun interacting with Earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere. These winter spectacles remind us that even in the coldest months, the natural world thrives with energy and wonder.
We wish you Happy Holidays, a great winter, and hope to see you in our events for this month, especially for the Winter Solstice Celebration on December 20.
WeCanReason 2024 Videos

Sunday, December 1
You can go to our YouTube channel to watch the 5th video released from the event, Hemant Mehta – Why I’m Still Optimistic About Atheist Activism
We have one more video to go: if you want to watch it now go to our home page at and you will find instructions there.
Life Without Religion – Online

Thursday, December 5
First Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm
Live Without Religion (LWR) is a peer support group for people whose lives have been negatively impacted by religion. Nearly anyone who has left a fundamentalist or high-control religion can tell you that it leaves not only scars but sometimes open wounds. Nothing helps with the healing better than sharing your experience and discussing how to heal with others who have had a similar experience. That mutual support is what we find in LWR meetings. If you want to learn more about LWR, contact Lois at
Coffee Chat Online

Monday, December 9
Second Monday of every month at 1:00 pm
RMA Coffee Chat is an enjoyable, unstructured, afternoon conversation. Anyone can introduce an idea or ask a question and the group will jump in and discuss it. You never know where the conversation will go but it is always interesting and sometimes even educational. Join us and add your two-cent worth.
Go to our Meetup page to register and get the Zoom link.
Music Jam Night

Tuesday, December 10
Second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm
Grab your harmonica and join us for jam night! Once a month we will gather to play music in a good old-fashioned jam session! Bring your own instrument or just come to sing along. You can register on our Meetup Page.
You can find us at Bottlescrew Bill’s Pub, 140 10 Ave SW
Book Club

Thursday, December 12
Second Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm
This month, the Book Club will be discussing the book True Reconciliation: How to Be a Force for Change by Jody Wilson-Raybould.
Head over to our Meetup page to register and get the Zoom link.
Life Without Religion – Online

Tuesday, December 17
Thurd Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm
Live Without Religion (LWR) is a peer support group for people whose lives have been negatively impacted by religion. Nearly anyone who has left a fundamentalist or high-control religion can tell you that it leaves not only scars but sometimes open wounds. Nothing helps with the healing better than sharing your experience and discussing how to heal with others who have had a similar experience. That mutual support is what we find in LWR meetings. If you want to learn more about LWR, contact Lois at
Winter Solstice Celebration

Friday, December 20 at 6:30 pm
Join us for our annual Winter Solstice Celebration!
Turkey dinner (vegan option), cash bar, silent auction and entertainment! Everyone had a BLAST last year, do not miss it this year!
Tickets are still just $20 in advance only. Children welcome, anyone under age 12 can pay $5 at the door. We accept cash, debit or credit at the door.
Feel free to bring a dish to share and/or something to donate to the silent auction!
You can register and get details on our Meetup Page.
This event will be at the Rosedale Community Hall, at 901 11 Ave NW
Movie Night

Monday, December 23
Fourth Monday of every month at 7:00 pm
This month’s movie was not selected yet. Head over to our Meetup Page, to register, get updates and the Zoom link.
Monthly Board Meeting

Thursday, December 26 – Pending Confirmation
Fourth Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm
The Board of RMA meets on the 4th Thursday of each month. Meetings are open to all but only Board members can vote. The location of this month’s meeting is yet to be determined. Check out our Meetup page later in the month for details.
Because of the holidays we might change this meeting.
All details of our events can be found on our Meetup Page at